Florists Banners

As a business group I find that Florists on the whole are definitely more switched on to promotions involving the use of vinyl banners than just about any other business type.
I can see how florists have peak points in their business cycles that particularly lend themselves to a vinyl banner style promotion. There?s the Valentines Day Banner, the Mothers Day Banner, Florists Banners for St. Patrick?s Day and Fathers Day Banners to name just a few.
Is this the real reason? Or is it that Florists are more switched on to taking advantage of what a Florist Vinyl Banner can do for their business.

I admit I have made many banners for florists since I started out. Many for occasions like those I have already mentioned, Valentines Day vinyl banners to help out in the February promotion, Mothers Day banners for May. Many other Florists banners have been simply to promote their brands, point to their location or just to remind their prospects they are there.
Maybe all of us as business people need to take a leaf out of the florists book (sorry ? couldn?t help the pun). We all need to promote our businesses, in the most effective way we can, and to me effective promotion means the most new clients for the least amount of resources spent in getting them.
Vinyl Banners are always winners hands down.
Compare the value of a vinyl banner for your business with the other marketing options available. A vinyl banner will last you for years (especially if used indoors), they are effective, and they deliver a simple message in a non-invasive way. Dollar for dollar they eat TV commercials, Yellow Pages ads and local newspaper advertisements alive.
The only draw back with a vinyl banner (be it a florists vinyl banner or not) is the fact we (you and me as business owners) have to be responsible for its most effective possible use.

You and I – the business owner have to place our banners on display, we have to decide where best to put our vinyl banners and eventually we have to be responsible for taking our vinyl banners down.
This is why vinyl banners work far better for small to medium size businesses than they do big business. At this sharp end of the business spectrum we, the people who own the business, are still (by and large) responsible for day to day operations.
More importantly, we are directly responsible for our own marketing. And this hands on approach is why a vinyl banner in the hands of a determined business person is a more effective marketing tool than any other.

We have the control, we make our marketing happen and we can measure directly the results of our efforts. Very few other forms of marketing (or advertising) allow this. Frankly if we can not measure the results of our marketing and its effectiveness, how do we know if it is working anyway?
I you cannot measure the effectiveness of your marketing ? then DON?T DO IT?
Maybe that?s why florists like vinyl banners in their marketing arsenal. The majority of florists are owner operated, and they benefit the most from a simple, sensible and cost effective marketing weapon like a Florists Vinyl Banner.
Vinyl Florists Banners must work, I keep on getting orders for them
If you need a banner for your business (whether you?re a florist or not), please feel free to contact me using my simple enquiry form below.
I will be happy to help you with all your vinyl banner needs and will happily answer any questions you have about marketing your business using a vinyl banner. Remember too, if you need a hand with your artwork, all my clients receive all their artwork FREE of charge.

So what are you waiting for, contact me, use the simple form below, I will get back to you in 24 hours (and usually inside the hour).
Get yourself started on an economical and effective vinyl banner marketing campaign for your business, and do it before the competition up the road reads this too message too.
To Your Very Best Success
Kind Regards
Steve Scott
The Vinyl Florists Banner Guy
Remember, you are welcome to contact me if you would like more information just use the BIG Red button to send me a message – I’ll be back to you ASAP – and usually within the hour!