WARNING – Before YOU Talk With Anyone About a Backdrop For Your Band You Should Really Listen To Steve’s Gig Backdrop Brain Dump Audio – It’s FREE.
Steve’s No Non-sense Audio Guide on How To Get Your Band Backdrop Right, Calls on Experience With 100’s of Aussie Bands So You Can Make an Informed, Intelligent Decision About the Backdrop (Band Banner) For Your Band – So You Can
Get Your Backdrop Right The First Time…
An Open Letter To Australia’s Professional Musicians & Entertainers
Dear Music Professional
How long have you and your band been thinking about a Band Backdrop (Band Banner) to help “amp up” your performance?
It can be hard to know where to start.
Working with as many Aussie Bands and Entertainers as I have, chances are I have at least some idea of what you are going through.
Happy as I am to answer the questions that come my way about backdrops & scrims, from people like you in the music industry.
I always felt that phone calls and emails were a cumbersome way to put the information you need in your hands.
There was a lot of common ground in the concerns and questions when I spoke with Pro Muso’s about the do’s and don’t’s of getting their backdrops right.
Questions that, through experience, I have found answers to and pretty much nailed over the last few years.
To help make the process easier on you, I had to come up with a better method of delivering this information to you.
One where the majority of what you need to know about band banners (Gig Backdrops I call them), was available to you 24/7.
So you can get at it whenever you want – and not just during normal business hours.
Because you are not in a normal business (whatever a normal business is…).
To that end, I put together a comprehensive Audio Guide based on my experience working with Aussie Bands (new and old, BIG and Up and coming), that answers the questions I most often hear.
I call it the Gig Backdrop Brain Dump.
It’s about 12 and a half minutes long and it goes a long way to answering much of what you need to know to get your Backdrop right.
The Braindump Audio is made so you can find out exactly what you need, and when you need to know it.
To help guarantee you get your backdrop and Amp Scrims spot on – The First time.
To be honest, it is information you can use whether you use me to help you or not.
A few of the things I talk about in the Brain Dump are;
- Three reasons not to use PVC Vinyl for your Band’s Backdrop.
- How you can use your Backdrop (and Scrims) to turn casual observers in your audience into fans.
- Tips on how to make sure you get exactly what you want when you submit you artwork to anyone creating a backdrop for you.
To help keep this info in the hands of only the people it was designed for, I ask only one thing.
That you enter your name and an email address below, so I can send you the details to listen to the Brain Dump audio immediately and privately.
If you are keen to find out what you need to know I’ll talk with you on the other side.
Cheers & Thanks
To Your Success
Steve Scott – B2bJv.com
If You Have Been Thinking About a Backdrop (Band Banner) for Your Band, You Really Should Hear The Brain Dump Before You Start Organising Anything