The Shame File
A Thank You To All My Great Clients & a Warning About Some Others...
Steve Scott here.
I would like to take this opportunity thank all of my clients for their business and their ongoing support.
Without you would not be the success it is today, so you have my warmest thanks for letting me help you with your sign needs.
I thank you all.
The Shame File Register
That said, it pains me to have to take time to mention some other people.
People who have not been so gracious as the fair and honest majority.
I take a very liberal stand with how I let my clients pay for my services.
I offer payment and terms that make it as simple and as easy as I can for people to pay for all my services.

I am happy to do so.
I do understand that we can all experience financial difficulty and can at one time or another need assistance or just a little extra time to get things right. This is no problem.
Some people though, abuse this privilege.
Accounts remain unpaid, calls do not get returned and no attempt to pay for items ordered and delivered is ever made.
For that reason I have decided to put this page on my website, I call this page “The Shame File”.
My main intention here is to provide a warning.
A warning about how certain people can conduct their business.
By not honouring their pledge to pay for the services they have requested, they put themselves above all the honest and honourable people like you who happily pay for what they order.
Be wary of people like these.
By placing themselves and their own wants above the rest of us, we all pay for them.
In my opinion, having no intention of paying for products and services requested (mine or anyone else’s), is tantamount to theft.
I apologise for raising this unfortunate topic with all my good and honest clients.
Though I feel obliged to offer this warning.

The Shame File Register
The Shame File Register Is Currently Empty
Shame Register No: 1
Business Name:
Outstanding Amount:
Outstanding From:
Business Name Goes Here
Name Of Responsible Person Goes Here
$ Amount Goes here
Date On Payment Due Goes Here
Shame Register No: 2
Business Name:
Outstanding Amount:
Outstanding From:
Business Name Goes Here
Name Of Responsible Person Goes Here
$ Amount Goes here
Date On Payment Due Goes Here
Nb. Names listed here (individuals or businesses) only appear because they have not paid (for a period of 120 days or more) for items purchased (or other debts owed). To remove your name from the Shame File Register, all that is required is for you to pay your bill.