This is an idea I came up with working with Natasha at Doggy Stylez – Dog Grooming and Obedience Training. (Hi Natasha!).
Natasha wanted something special for her first vinyl banner, it was quite a challenge to get everything just the way she wanted. Though I think you will agree, the finished result we came up with is a beaut.
This is one of my $99 banner sizes (ie. 1,800 by 600 millimetres), though as you can see there is no doubt about what business Natasha is in.
This banner is clear and simple, as well as being a little bit fun. This is a great combination for an effective vinyl banner to promote any business.
Her contact number is easy to read and I have a feeling that Natasha is going to be hearing a lot of new customers saying;
“I saw your sign up the road”.
And after all, isn’t that what a promotional business banner is all about?
Wishing You the Very Best of Success Success