Thank You
Steve Scott - The Banner Guy
The Banner Guy
Watkins Road
Wangi Wangi
New South Wales
What Happens Next
Hello Steve here.
Thank You for your message, it has been delivered to my desk & I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
If you watched my Backdrop Guide Video, you likely realise from the accents in my videos that I am an Australian (Greetings from Down Under) and there is a chance that I will be asleep when you sent your message.
That said I will be back to you in 12 - 24 hours, usually less and will answer you message for you ASAP.
One thing, the nature of the info I often include in my response to an enquiry like yours can sometimes be misinterpreted as SPAM :\.
So if you don't hear from me within say, 24 hours check for my reply to you in your email SPAM/Trash folder.
If my reply does not appear there, this means that I have either met with an unfortunate accident :( or more likely my message to you has been gobbled up by an overzealous SPAM filter.
If that's the case please email me (or text) directly. This way I can arrange to get your information to you in another way.
Email Steve:
or Text Steve if your phone allows: +617415-105-532
I don't like to disappoint anyone who reaches out to me for information. Especially when it is an automated SPAM filter causing it.
Steve Scott -
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