Hello Again
Great stuff, I am so pleased you’ve taken me up on this, what I think, is a really excellent offer.
I sincerely hope your car window stickers have a noticeable and very positive effect on your business.
I’ll certainly do all I can to make them do just that.
Now I need you to do a little work for me, nothing hectic mind, I just need you to measure your window for me, the one you intend to use for your sticker(s).
A metal tape measure is often the best, just be careful not to scratch your pride and joy while measuring.
Here’s the Design Template for you to download if you don’t already have it., it lists all the measurements I need.
You can also use the template to help design your rear window sticker,
Just email me a copy of your masterpiece once you’re done. It does not have to be perfect, that’s my job 🙂 and hand drawn is OK.
Alternately, you are welcome to let me know a little about your business and I will create a unique design for you from scratch.
The benefit here is even if you don’t like what I create for you in the beginning, it is often easier to start from somewhere, rather than starting from scratch with a blank canvas.
You can email me at steve@b2bjv.com, or use the Green Form on the right of this page to send me your information – easy.
Attach any artwork you would like me to use, along with what you have in mind.
I will have a proof to you of your design – usually in 24 hours, a little longer if things get hectic. I will be in touch with you in any case to acknowledge your message.
Thats all for now, if you have any questions, please email me at the address above.
I am keen to hear from you.
All the Best