Dear Friend
If you have been looking for a Fish Measuring – Brag Mat, something special, for yourself or as a gift for the Fisherman in your life, here’s some good news.
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My name is Steve Scott and I’m into Vinyl Banners – that’ll make more sense later. But anyway, with the help of my friends in the local Wangi Fishing Club here on the shores of Lake Macquarie, together we have come up with new Brag Mat design, the Brag Mat Pro.
Thanks to Club’s input and their expert anglers perspective, I think Brag Mat Pro is the easiest, most useful Brag Mat available. The Club liked them so much they took 51 of them, one for every member. And right now, for that reason I am as keen as mustard to get these in the hands of other fisherman too.
[page_section color=’#e54800′ textstyle=’light’ position=’default’ shadow=’#684900′]Brag Mat Pro is also available to Clubs and Fishing Event Organisers with a complete customisation option. You can use your design (or have me help create one for you) Custom sizes too. Even include sponsors logos if you want. Send me a message with what you need. And of course Quantity Discounts Apply for custom orders of 20 mats or more [/page_section]
As an introductory offer, you will also receive a Limited Edition “Top Anglers” Boat or Bumper Sticker (250mm by 100mm in size – seen here).
It’s full colour and made from the Best Marine Quality material available, plus you also get Free Australia Wide Delivery. And to top it off, a FREE Floating Hi-Viz Cover for the Brag Mat Pro, so you can easily retrieve it even if it goes overboard or finishes up in the drink (a Floating Cover makes sense right!)
Here Are 10 of the Most Important Facts About The Brag Mat Pro;
1. Comes in its Own Floating – High Visibility Cover
A decent cover for your Brag Mat has been long overdue.
The floating cover is simple, effective and will keep your Brag Mat looking good, while staying within easy reach for use.
The cover is designed so it will not roll around if the sea gets up and if dropped on a wharf by accident, it will like stop cold before it rolls off the edge and falls in (well most of the time).
And even if it does fall in, it will float for years so you can have every chance of retrieving your Brag Mat (before someone else does 😉
The Brag Mat Pro cover is made using High Visibility colours, so it’s easy to see on deck or in your tackle day or night.
The floating cover is simple, strong, easy and just a better way for you to have your brag mat on hand while you enjoy your fishing.
I think the floating cover typifies the type of thinking that’s gone into the Brag Mat Pro.
I think it is the Best Brag Mat, Fish Measuring Mat in the world.
2. Brag Mat Pro Will Float Like a Cork in Salt or Fresh Water
I know I keep harping on about how the Brag May Pro will float like a cork when secured in its innovative cover, but hey, you’re an angler, you know how important this can be.
How many bits of your kit have gone in the drink never to be seen again?
The Pro is design so you can fish from boat, shore or jetty without ever having this to worry about losing something to the magnet that is the water again. Well as far as your Brag Mat Pro goes anyway 😉
3. Lays Out Flat – With Almost No Curling
Like I mentioned, the PVC fabric I use for the Brag Mat Pro is the very best. As a result your brag mat won’t be fighting you and curling up when you are trying to record your catch with a photo.
Even if your Brag Mat has been stored and off-duty for ages, it will roll out easily and lie down flat without you having to fight with it.
I think the fighting should happen when you are landing your catch, not when you are trying to snap a couple of pictures of your prize.
The low curling nature of the Brag Mat Pro makes it especially useful if you are fishing on your Pat Malone (by yourself I mean)
And if you are fishing alone, be certain to let your people know where you are and how long you expect to be away. It’s just better for everyone.
4. You Can Write on the Back to Record The BIG Ones
I mentioned above about how you can use the Brag Mat Pro for a Written Record of your catched too.
The back side of the Brag Mat Pro is paper-white and easy to write on. I’d recommend a permanent marker for the job.
You can record where, when, your made your catch. The type of tackle, lure (or bait) you used.
The time of day, and weather conditions, even a GPS bearing, anything you want.
This allows easy recording of all of the stuff that won’t easily be captured by your fishing photos alone.
And while not recording every catch, it is the perfect spot to keep track of all the fish you enjoyed catching most and let you know what conditions to look for next time too.
5. Easy to Read Measuring Scale
The Brag Mat Pro Also Has an Easy to Read Measuring Scale.
Increments of Metres, Centimetres and even Millimetres are present if you need then. This means you can keep an accurate measure of your catch, while still leaving fish stocks in tact.
This will help ensure good fishing next time you are there and into the future for you and your family.
The clear and detailed measuring scale is wide enough (164mm) to see easily with even the big “Flatties” or “Barra”. And long enough so you can measure and record your catch right up to 1,200mm in length.
6. Accurately Measures Your Catch for Easy Release
The 2,400 dots per inch printing helps make the Brag Mat Pro easy to read and simple for measuring and photographing your catch.
With a scale down to the millimetre you can be sure you have an accurate measure for your catch.
This is especially important for competition angling or even for precise records of your own.
7. Brag Mat Pro Looks Great in Your Fishing Photos Collection
Let’s face it. The only fish you will take a photo of – sitting atop of your brag mat will be the good ones.
For that reason alone you and your catch both deserve a gooding looking mat to record the event with in your photos.
So many Brag Mats look more like logarithmic tables or billboards than they do a Fishing Brag Mat.
And while I have no problem with the information or the advertising, I think you should have the option of a brag mat design that helps remember the moment in a more sympathetic way.
Of course I do custom brag mats for clubs, competitions and fishing shops too, and they have their share of sponsors logos (here’s the custom Brag Mat Pro design I recently did for my local fishing club – in Wangi N.S.W.)
And while the logos are very important with a competition or club brag mat, this doesn’t mean your mat should look like a page out of the classifieds.
I go on a boat almost every week, and to me the water is a big part of fishing (or any watersport), that’s why the Brag May Pro looks the way it does. What do you think?
And like I mentioned earlier, the brag Mat Pro’s matt finish just helps you with taking a good, clear photos, with no shiny spots or lense flare, even in bright sunshine or using the flash.
So you can take your pictures quickly, and efficiently with the minimum time of you catch out of the water.
8. Made of the Best P.V.C. Vinyl
The Brag Mat pro is made using the absolute best PVC vinyl fabric available. This ensure the Brag Mat pro is hard wearing, easy to read and photograph, as well as last you for years.
The Brag Mat Pro is made using the exact same P.V.C. Vinyl fabric I use for my outdoor vinyl banners, and this stuff is made tough.
I have sports clubs who have banners made from this material that have been using them for over four years. So with normal use, your brag mat should last you a lifetime, unless of course it goes overboard and winds up floating to the shores of Peru.
The flip side of the Brag Mat Pro is a pure white that can be used to write on and record your BIGGEST catches. A permanent marker should do the trick.
Brag Mat Pro’s matt-satin finish is also a benefit when taking photos of your catch. There’s no problem with lense flare or bright spots in your photos. So you can take great photos of your catch, even in the brightest sunlight or with a flash if you have to, easily, quickly and accurately.
The matt finish also makes life a little easier than a high gloss. Your catch is a little less likely to slide around while taking your photos.
9. Modern Design
The modern design of the Brag Mat Pro makes it look great in your pictures, and it’s clean aquatic look is free of information that you don’t need to show in your fishing photos.
The Brag Mat Pro’s “Floating Cover” is an overdue innovation. It not only keeps your brag mat tidy and clean when not in use.
It stands out easily when on board (anywhere) and is simple to remove from its floating cover too.
The cover is snug enough so your brag mat won’t fall out and get in the way when you don’t need it. There are no moving parts or zips to break and become a nuisance.
And best of all, if your Brag Mat Pro goes overboard or in the drink (salt or fresh). Your cover will keep it floating like a cork so you can get it back no problem.
10. Can be Easily Cleaned Even in Salt Water
Sometimes your Brag Mat can get a little fishy, this can be just as common in salt or fresh water.
The Brag Mat Pro being made of a super-tough PVC Vinyl Membrane can be dunked in the water where your fishing (even salty or brackish water) to have it cleaned and looking like new for your next catch and photo opportunity.
I would recommend giving it a quick tub in fresh water when you get back home, even a mild soap. This will just help insure your Brag Mat is fresh, free of salt contaminants, and will serve you well and look the business in your photos for years to come.
And one last word
Why I am so keen to promote my Brag Mats.
I strongly believe that Brag Mats, fish measuring mats are a big step in the right direction towards a viable sports fishing future.
I used to be a hunter in my younger days, and while I believe in the rights of people to do their own thing, my hunting days are over.
I’ve also been a catch and release fisherman for almost as long.
What I enjoy most about catch and release is the same thrill – without the kill.
And while I used to take pictures of my prize catch, it’s difficult to remember with any accuracy how big (or small) they really were.
A photo of a fish catch is a great memory.
Add a Brag Mat into the mix and your photos become a great record of the event too.
A record you can keep without weighing your fish, and it gives you the option of a clean release, back into their environment if you want. So the fish will be there for you the next time and the time after that. And longer term, there for your kids to enjoy too. Being a good angler these days means taking on a little more responsibility.
A brag mat is a great way to enjoy the sport you love and and it helps keep the “Big Breeders” in the environment. This helps guarantee that fishing and god fish stocks will be there in the future too, for you and your family. That’s my take on it anyway.
Steve Scott
PS. I am listing these on eBay too, so I don’t think they will last long once I do. Remember right now you get a Free limited Edition “Top Anglers” full colour Boat or Bumper Sticker. Plus Free Australia Wide Delivery. And to top it off, a FREE Floating Hi-Viz Cover for the Brag Mat Pro, for easy retrieval, even if it goes overboard.
All the Best
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