Vinyl Business Banners & Outdoor Business Banners
Vinyl banners for your business are one of the most cost effective ways there is to drive more clients through your doors. They are not SEXY, they are not Hi-Tech, they aren?t even EXPENSIVE, but they do work.
A vinyl banner can help your clients get back in touch with you, remind them who you are and where you are. Your vinyl banner will also inform new clients that you exist and bring their attention to your promotions and your services in a non-threatening, non-invasive and in-expensive way.
Vinyl banners are a cheap way to find new clients for your business, I know, I even use vinyl banners myself to persuade people just like you to visit my website. Of course I will do my best to help you decide to give one of my vinyl banners a try, and why not?

I Know a Vinyl Banner Will Work for YOU.
I know that the effect my vinyl banners will have on your business and your marketing, will grow your business out of all proportion to the small cost and effort involved in owning a vinyl banner of your own.
My Vinyl Banner are Regularly 30-40% Cheaper than Anyone Else
Vinyl Banners are cheap, and my prices regularly beat my competition by 30% to 40% (and sometimes much more). I will work with you personally to make sure you have exactly the type of vinyl banner you need and if I can offer any advice from a marketing or message delivery point of view ? I?ll do that for you too.
I am not just trying to provide you with a vinyl banner. I am offering you an opportunity to market and promote your business in the most effective way possible.
I look at so many banners along roadsides and displayed outside of businesses. Some of them are well… terrible. Some may look nice and be very stylish or artistic but so many miss the mark as a sales tool. A vinyl business banners job is to help you market, promote and accelerate your business. They are there to bring more people your way, and if they fail in doing that job why have one?
Most of the people selling vinyl banners today are sign writers and graphic artists and that?s fine. Where I differ is in how I design my banners. First and foremost I am marketer. I make my vinyl business banners for the sole purpose of helping you and your business be more successful.
My vinyl business banners are made to catch the eye and be easily read form as far away as possible and they deliver your message to your market. They are not designed to be artistic or win beauty pageants (though I admit they do look good), they are made to work hard for you and your business.
A vinyl business banner is far cheaper than a Yellow Pages ad, it will out last an ad in the local paper hundreds of times.
Another key difference between a vinyl banner and all these forms of advertising is that you will have a direct response from your vinyl banner, one that you can measure. Calculating the effectiveness of any method of promotion is crucial, in fact I will go as far as to say.
?If you Can?t Measure the Effectiveness of Your Advertising Campaign, then you shouldn?t be doing it?
Regardless of whether you use your business banner at your premises, or display it along a busy road side as a temporary billboard. Your vinyl banner will get you noticed, and being noticed is the first step towards finding new customers and generating new business.
Vinyl banners are also a great way to send people (traffic) to your website, and not just any people, your vinyl banner finds you LOCAL people who can become new long term customers.
I used vinyl banners to market other businesses long before I became a vinyl banner supplier myself. And because of that the decision to own a vinyl banner for you and your business, club or organisation just became a whole lot easier. Why?
Because I have made Using Vinyl Banners for your Business a Whole lot CHEAPER.
In my advertising I used to spout that I supplied ?Cheap Vinyl Banners?, I don?t say that any more, because it is not entirely true.
My banners are not cheap. They are effective, they are great quality and extremely durable and best of all they work. My vinyl banners are all digitally printed to near photo quality and are 100% customisable to help give you exactly what you need.
No, my banners are not CHEAP Vinyl Banners at all, they are just Cheaper than everyone else making vinyl banners in Australia.

How Are My Vinyl Banners So Much Cheaper?
One of the ways I make my vinyl banners better value than any of my competitors is due to what I call my ?Vinyl Welding? technique of manufacture.
Traditionally banners are sewed together, vinyl and rope brought together and expertly sewn by a very skilled worker. Those skilled workers are expensive to employ. So to reduce my prices they had to go (sorry!). I had to find a different way, a better way, and I did. It?s called Vinyl Welding.
Instead of creating a seam and sewing rope into my banners, I use a glue that is made of the same stuff that my vinyl banner fabric is made from. This glue fuses the edges of my banners together into a double layered thickness (for added strength and durability) all the way around the entire edge. Because the edges are all doubled over, and again at all the corners, the metal eyelets I use on the corners of my vinyl banners fasten into four layers of vinyl fabric, making them extremely resistant to tearing.
Using this ?Vinyl Welding? technique is not only easier (and therefore much cheaper to produce), it is much stronger than traditional sewing methods still in use.
If you have had one of these older style of vinyl banners that was sewed, let me ask you, where was the first place your banner started to wear. Along the sewn seams, right.
Of course it did, because that is the weakest point. The sewing itself has punched thousands of holes all around the edge of the banner making a weak spot that just like the edge of a postage stamp, that can tear and will eventually give way, it has to.
Since the vinyl weld effectively fuses the two pieces of vinyl together in a poly vinyl sandwich there is no longer a weak spot, no place to tear, another problem solved. Vinyl welding is stronger, simpler to manufacture and much, much cheaper to produce as a result. A saving I can pass directly on to you.
The other cost cutting method I use is ?No Ropes?. Your read right, no ropes. Have you ever seen a vinyl banner that has been hung up badly, or been left in a stiff breeze, they sag and frankly they look terrible and do not do their jobs effectively.
No matter how hard or how carefully you tie your banner, sooner or later it will sag. You can keep readjusting it of course. This though is a real pain. I bent my brain over this for months trying to think of a better way, different kinds of knots, different ropes nothing really worked the way I wanted it to.
I needed something that would stretch a little when the wind became to strong, so not to stretch or damage the banner itself, but I also needed it to retract again like a rubber band to keep the banner looking good.
Rubber band I thought, I?ll bet you know the answer I came up with already. I replaced my ropes with?. you guessed it. The humble ?Octopus strap?. Occy straps work like a charm. They are cheap, you can buy them in any large store and they do exactly the job needed to keep your banner looking fantastic.
That did away with the rope problem too (not to mention the cost). So that?s why my banners are the cheapest vinyl banners around (not CHEAP!).
So if you do want a great looking, durable vinyl banner that will help you promote your business, and you want one that will not cost you as much as a spread in the Yellow Pages, you have come to exactly the right place.
Use my Quick and Easy Enquiry Form below, I will answer your query personally and usually get back to you within the hour.
That said, I hail from Wangi on Lake Macquarie in New South Wales so if you are contacting me from Western Australia, I may miss you till the following morning.
So remember, good marketing is getting as many new customers as you can for the least amount of money possible. My vinyl banners can help you do this, after that it is up to you to keep them.
Thanks for reading
Steve Scott ?The Vinyl Banner Guy Australia’s Best Value Vinyl Business
Steve – The Vinyl Banner Guy
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