Your Time On Stage Compared to Your Preparation is Brief. A Gig Backdrop Can Help Make That Time More Valuable By Helping More Of Your Audience Connect With You, So You Can Have More Fans Every Time You Perform
Hello Again
Have you listened the Band Backdrop Brain Dump yet?
No drama if not.
You might be the reading type 🙂
Not all of us like to get our information from audio (or video for that matter).
That’s why newspapers and magazines still exist I guess.
Some other bands who also got access to the Brain Dump Audio asked if I had a copy of the information in a written form.
At the time I only had my handwritten notes but after a bit of thought, I decided this was a good idea. So here they are.
Two versions are here for you to choose from.
There is a summary of all the information contained in the audio as well as the full blown version for you to download.
This may be a better way for you to be able to discuss your Backdrop requirements with everyone involved.
If the backdrop Audio or the transcripts leave you with any questions you need answered for your band , give me a shout.
My numbers is in the downloads or send me a message using the form on this page.
To Your Success
Steve The Banner Guy