Buy One Get One FREE
Thanks for having a closer look. This really is an excellent deal.
As I outlined in my message to you, it can be very difficult to stand out at a market now days. With increased numbers of stall holders each week, it is more and more crucial to stand out to make certain you get more than your fair share of the available business.
My 1,800 by 600 mm. $99 Vinyl banners are my most popular size and are perfect for promoting your business in a Market environment.
Two of them for the price of one is a bargain.
To improve your chances of success with your banners, think about the benefits you and your business offer to your clients. How will you improve the lives of the people you deal with.
What problem do you provide the solution for.
The car is successful because it solved a transport problem. Mobile phones are everywhere because they solve a communications problem. Me and my business solve an economical advertising and promotions problem with vinyl banners, flags and marketing advice.
Tell people about your offer and tell them in terms of what your offer can do for them. Try to think “Sell the SIZZLE” and not the steak.
Once you have settled on what you want your banner to say, let me know and I can get started on your initial design.
Your Artwork is FREE
The way my FREE artwork works is this. I do your initial design based on your instructions and then provide you with your banner design proof.
From there we can do up to three rounds of changes based on your wishes, just to make sure your final design is just the way you want.
The only exception to this FREE Artwork rule are logos. I am happy to use your logo as part of your design, no problem. This is part of my free service. If however you don’t have a computer version of your logo we can use. One that is big enough for banner use.
If your logo needs to be recreated from scratch, there will be an extra charge applicable for this service (usually about $55), that’s it.
To get started just contact me with the form below. Offer ends 28th April 2012.